Sunday, February 8, 2009

Current events ...

So this mom who had the octuplets goes on tv and says that she just "loves children"? Okay seriously? I mean I think its great to have a large family if you can provide for them and have help and support etc but this lady is unemployed and single! Yikes. I don't know.. it just makes no sense to me. The doctor who did this should be looked into if you ask me. What was he thinking?

And poor Michael Phelps gets caught smoking pot and the whole world acts like he committed the worst crime ever in the history of crimes. I can see both sides of this issue. I mean he is a spokesman for a lot of companies and children look up to him so he should be a little more wary of what he does and the consequences etc. However he is a human being and not just a role model and humans do make mistakes.

And speaking of making mistakes ... wow President Obama sure has picked some winners for his cabinet and advisors huh? They are dropping like flies. Don't you think these individuals would have been straight up with him and save him the embarassment?

Okay.. am off my soapbox for now.
Hope you are having a great February so far .. oh and call me soon?
